About The Affiliate Marketing Sales Secrets (A.M.S.S)

The AMSS Training can proudly be said to be one of the most simplified and outstanding training courses on Affiliate Marketing today because of its depth of simplicity to help beginners kick-start their Affiliate Marketing journey from zero knowledge and earn over N100,000 weekly even as beginners

About The Course Creator

There's a saying that crops do better when planted on the right soil and students perform better when learning from a right source.Nwosu Victor Emeka, popularly known as Victor Nathel is a fully trained and experienced business and life coach whose main goal is to reach out to as many young persons across the country and show them the easiest routes to succeeding online especially through Affiliate MarketingHe is a certified teacher by degree and experience and has currently helped so many young nigerians scale through with this business model called Affiliate Marketing

Victor Nathel:

On several occasions I've been hosted to talk about Affiliate Marketing on Radios, Churches and physical seminarsThe rate at which my students succeed in this business has earned me such invites and I stated clearly on one of my presentations on air, the reason I decided to reveal these secrets on Affiliate Marketing is because I earlier suffered depression and lived in penury from the moment I left school (Uniben) in 2018 till I discovered this business model in December 2021I used to work as a roadside painter earning below 60k as profit in a whole month in Delta State and also wasn't able to pay for an accomodation of N120,000 comfortably since l left school so I lived with several people after school until the miracle happened.Take a look at what my life looked like in 2021 to understand where I'm coming from and the reasons I brought out myself to help others who might be living below standard in Nigeria

These photos are some randomly selected photos of what I looked like in 2021 as a struggling painter till I discovered the same secrets you're about to discover that transfeomed my entire life

How It All Began

Just like usual, I was in site one day going through my phone WhatsApp stories and I saw a post from my ex-classmate about Affiliate Marketing, then It occured to me that I've seen her post about this particular stuff before and this time I just decided to ask and know what it looks likeWhen she gave me a breakdown of what Affiliate Marketing means I was even confused the more because it sounded far easier than I originally thought it'll be.I was thinking as an affiliate marketer you'll be buying and selling online and when she said affiliates do not buy anything and they only advertise for individuals and companies then I knew I had missed it all along so I paid attention as she further broke it down, she even went further to show me what she earns on weekly basis as an affiliate, I was seeing alerts of over 100k weekly on her phone, I felt cold insideImmediately we ended that conversation I knew I had seen the miracle I've been waiting for so I tried to round up the work I was doing in a couple of days so I could get started immediately

My First Million As An Affiliate

When I started newly I was hoping to be getting at least 30-40k per week to combine with my painting but my friend said it was too small to put as a target and instead I should focus on quitting my painting jobs because if Affiliate Marketing pays me I wouldn't even be thinking about painting anymore, I concured but still I was trying to be realistic since I'm just a new comer and to my greatest surprise I started working with one of the platforms she introduced me to after I've gone through a training and in my first two weeks I already made more than N160,000 then I knew the game just startedI made this money using just my data and phone, I decided to take a pause from painting because this business started getting interesting and I reached 400k on my first month and it didn't stop there I went further to make my first million within 3 months of becoming an affiliate marketerBelow is a screenshot of a proof to what I'm saying here

You can confirm the Name Date and Amount above

I started first week of January 2022 and by first week of March 2022 I was already a millionaire from Affiliate Marketing, that's an amount I've never seen in my life coming within 3 months of trying something new

I told myself if I could do this, then I should tell people the truth behind this thing, I first introduced my own siblings to the system, my sister and cousin when I saw they've already started making money from it I went further to teach a couple of my friends and it was also very fast for them, then I knew it was time to fulfil my long term desire on teachingI immediately opened a WhatsApp group and started coaching begginers both old Affiliates who are struggling and those who haven't even heard about it at all and in a space of two months, I already had people quitting their jobs to focus on it and this was when I started getting massive calls and invitations

My First Invite

I have a mentor and pastor who I discussed this business with out of excitement, I wasn't telling him to start because he's actually a big person and also too busy to be using his phone to work, I just told him "sir this Affiliate Marketing stuff pays like magic I already made over a million within 3 months" and he said wow! And he'll love to also try it out and see for himselfI said ok but before I introduced him, I first took out time to show him one or two things I do and he understood perfectly and signed up with same company and guess what?He made his first 100k from it despite his tight schedule and invited me over to his place and asked me to come and teach his church youths about this and tell them how easy making money online has become since he already saw a proof that it worksA week later I went to his church and gave them the same Affiliate Marketing sales secrets, a lot of them got started and as usual people started calling to thank meI'll quickly show you a testimonial of one of his church members who started immediately after that meeting

When she made her first 100k+ from my teaching she started telling her friends to come and learn from me as well and then I also came across some Affiliate marketers who had already started but finding it difficult and during one of my online classes this gentleman came to tell me about his challenges on Affiliate Marketing and I realized he didn't know the same sales secrets I show my students so I added him in my group class and before he knew it he already crossed one million naira from the same business he was struggling with and this is why I always tell people, having a coach is a speed jet to every business success

I don't have enough time to show you so many testimonials from people who have followed my teachings on Affiliate Marketing

I usually explain the processes of Affiliate Marketing to individuals whenever they come to me for clearifications but at a point people started hearing about me a lot plus the many invitations I started receiving, I didn't have enough time anymore to explain to everyone one by one so I took my time to create a video where I explained every secret behind Affiliate Marketing from A-Z and trust me on this video I made sure I touched every part of itIf you have a smartphone and you'll have at least 3 hours of your time to spare daily then you need to see this video immediately while it's still available because it'll be privatized soonest for my already existing studentsSo if you're smart hurry up and see the video by clicking on the Watch Now Button below and see everything we do as Affiliate marketers and where the money is coming fromI also explained how you can get started immediately and come under my mentorship while it's still available